Sable Gas Project , Nova Scotia , Canada
Project linked to Global Warming
My first article will be on the negative aspects of the proposed Sable Island Gas Project , in Nova Scotia , Canada . Just why are we nodding our heads to this project in light of Global Warming ?
GLOBAL WARMING : Strictly speaking ,global warming and global cooling refer to the natural warming and cooling trends that the earth has experienced through its history . However the term "global warming" has become popularized as the term that encompasses all aspects of the global warming problem . This includes the potential climate changes that will be brought about by an increase in global temperatures .
GREENHOUSE GASES : Most of the greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere . Although they exist in relatively small amounts , their heat - trapping properties allow the earth's surface to be maintained at a temperature that is habitable for humans , animals , and plants as we know them . The main greenhouse gases are water vapour , carbon dioxide , methane , nitrous oxide , ozone and halocarbons .
GREENHOUSE EFFECT : The "greenhouse effect" is the popular term for the warming function the atmosphere plays in the global ecosystem . Just as the glass in a greenhouse holds the sun's warmth inside ,so the atmosphere traps the sun's heat near the earth's surface and keeps the earth warm . We call this the natural greenhouse effect . It makes the earth a unique planet for growing and living things .
ENHANCED GREENHOUSE EFFECT : If concentrations of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase ,they will intensify the natural greenhouse effect . This will cause what is referred to as the "Enhanced Greenhouse Effect". Scientists agree that if humans continue to add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of the forests , the greenhouse effect will be enhanced . This will cause Global temperatures to rise at an unprecedented rate .
DO WE HAVE CAUSE FOR CONCERN : Atmospheric problems are clearly global in nature . We can not afford to cultivate a provincial attitude towards the problems we will be facing down the road on the environment . The atmosphere is a global commons which we are all equally dependent . The continued degradation of the atmosphere by industry has profound implications for life as we know it on this planet . The World Commission Report on Environment and Development , Our Common Future clearly states the problem . The burning of fossil fuels puts into the atmosphere carbon dioxide , which is causing gradual global warming . This greenhouse effect may by early next century have increased average global temperatures enough to shift agricultural production areas , raise sea levels to flood coastal cities and disrupt national economies . Other gases threaten to deplete the planet's protective shield to such an extent that the number of human and animal cancers would rise sharply and the oceans food chain would be disrupted . Clearly we all have a responsibility to NOT leave this legacy for our children . The time for sweeping environmental problems under the rug is over , such as with the Sydney Tar Ponds or looking for quick solutions to our garbage problems by way of incineration . Action must be taken now before we reach a point of no return .
CONSUMPTION PATTERNS : Our consumption patterns have to be radically changed along with our lifestyles . Atmospheric scientists now agree that a major climate warming greater than any yet experienced by humans is likely to occur . According to the State of the Environment Report put out by the Department of the Environment in 1990 the evidence is clear , human activities are changing the planetary atmosphere . This report goes on to state that the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere has increased 10% since 1958 and is increasing at a rate of 0.4% per year . This represents an increase of about 25% in preindustrial periods. Climatologists have indicated that what we can expect if we ignore the signs to Global Warming and continue down this road of no return is the melting of the Polar Ice Caps , drowned coastal cities and vast migrations as new climatic patterns bring with it drought and heat and make some parts of our planet uninhabitable . In a report put out by Canada's Department of the Environment called The Minister's Task Force on Clean Air dated November 1992 it states that greenhouse gases primarily include Carbon Dioxide , chlorofluorocarbons , and methane . Emitted in increasing volumes by human activity , they augment the natural greenhouse effect of the earth's atmosphere by radiating the earth's heat back to the surface . The report goes on to say that the goal of the Nova Scotia Action Strategy on Global Warming is to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000 . It goes on to say that there is an "URGENT" need to identify how this goal will be met and to develop specific initiatives for the implementation of the Action Strategy . It stated that the achievement of the stabilization goal was inextricably linked to energy efficiency and conservation . Stopping the increase in Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is an imperative goal . Scientists currently estimate that a reduction of more than 50% will be required to stop the Global Warming trend .
WHAT WILL BE THE IMPACT : If the concentrations of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase , they will intensify the natural greenhouse effect . This will cause what is being termed as enhanced greenhouse effect . Scientists agree that if humans continue to add greenhouse gases to the atmoshere through the burning of fossil fuels such as Natural Gas the Greenhouse Effect will be enhanced . This will cause Global temperatures to rise at an unprecedented rate . According to a fact sheet put out by the Department of the Environment in Canada , called Atmospheric Environment Service , over the next 50 years , this process is expected to increase average world temperatures between 1.5 and 4.5 C. Such a major warming will have profound global impact . It goes on to say that Canada being a country of climatic extremes would be among the most significantly affected areas in the world . The environment is our life support system . As we approach the 21st Century ,however , there are indications that we are severing this lifeline . The 23 billion tonnes of Carbon Dioxide that we pour into the atmosphere each year through the burning of fossil fuels such as Natural Gas are produced by governments that can be lobbied by the oil and gas industry and by the 5 billion people who occupy the earth . Canadians contribute more than most ! It is time that we turn the tide . It is time that our Energy Board in Canada take a "NEW" direction and not one dicated by the oil and gas industry , but towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy source for Future Generations .
SABLE ISLAND :The construction disturbances for the wells and pipelines and onshore processing plants , the inenvitable pipeline leaks , breakages , well blowouts , release of toxic drilling muds , human errors etc. will impact severely upon marine mammals , the fishery that is trying to make a comback , seabirds , the aquaculture industry ,ecotourism and the overall quality of life along the Eastern Shore . Sable Island itself is a priceless ecological treasure as is the Gully , the submarine canyon close to proposed wells which is home for many marine mammals . The Gully is a candidate for a Parks Canada Marine Natural Area designation . Will this be a risk now ? Why should more Natural Gas be extracted from the earth given the reality of Global Warming ? Shouldn't we be trying to uphold what was recommended at the Convention on Climate Change in Montreal? Our Federal Government was supposed to be committed to freezing our net emissions of greenhouse gases at 1990 levels . Where is the commitment to what was accomplished and recommended at this Convention .
====================================================================== SURVEY ON NOVA SCOTIAN RESIDENTS ON PROPOSED SABLE ISLAND GAS PROJECT ====================================================================== This report presents the findings of a survey of various communities in Sackville , Nova Scotia , Canada, on the proposed Sable Island Gas Project conducted by Millwood Environmental Action Team and coordinated by Frederick V. Hall (Faculty Advisor) . The study focused on the awareness and opinions of Nova Scotians on the issues that surround the Sable Island Gas Project . The primary research objective was to provide Millwood Environmental Action Team with the information necessary to make a consolidated statement on the issue of the development of natural gas off the coast of Nova Scotia. While the Province and the business sector have stated their personal views on this project , Millwood Environmental Action Team has not taken a stand on the issue , pending the outcome of extensive consultation with all groups that will be affected by this project . The survey was one of the main components of the consultation process .
The OBJECTIVES OF THE SURVEY - Assess Nova Scotian's awareness of the Sable Island Gas Project - Assess the importance of the issues surrounding the Sable Island Gas Project - Give Nova Scotians the opportunity to voice their opinions on the Sable Isalnd Gas Project These research objectives were achieved by having the children at four elementary schools take home the survey to their parents . The target of this study focused on young families who had small children in Elementary school . 1000 households in the area were chosen . A 48.5% response rate was achieved giving the survey a 95% confidence level , +/- 5% . 19 times out of 20 . The survey was also administered to 579 High School Students .
The Survey of our community on the Proposed Sable Gas Project was developed for residents of Nova Scotia . We consider that community encompasses all of Nova Scotia and its residents within . It was developed with input from Millwood Environmental Action Team with help from faculty advisor ,Frederick V. Hall . The data from the survey was collected through passing out of the survey to 579 High School students along with passing out 1000 to surrounding households . Several drafts of the survey were completed and pretested with several of the students at Millwood High School . After their initial responses were analysed ,any subsequent amendments were made . A total of 485 surveys were returned of the 1000 released into the community . The total response to the survey was 48.5% . Several open-ended questions were manually tabulated to maintain both the integrity and diversity of responses . The completed survey sample of 485was within the scientific guidlines as set out to achieve an accurate sample . As calculated , the results of this survey will be the same 19 times out of 20 , with a margin of error of +/- 5%.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : The results of the Survey of Sackville Residents on the Proposed Sable Island Gas Project indicates that the residents overwhelmingly want a plebiscite on the Proposed Sable Island Gas Project . Almost 73% of the residents said that their opinions on the Sable Island Gas Project should be addressed through a Plebiscite . This would ensure that the opinions of residents were heard . At Millwood High School where 579 respondents replied to the survey 94.6% indicated that the opinions of Nova Scotians with respect to the Sable Island Gas Project should be addressed through a Plebiscite . Residents overwhelmingly (60.82% ) do not believe that the Province has consulted with the public on the Sable Island Gas project adequately . At the High School 50% did not believe the Province has consulted with the Public adequately . As well, 41% of the respondents from the surrounding community do not believe the public was adequately informed by their elected officials on the Sable Island Gas Project . At the High School it was 44% . It is interesting to note that survey respondents from the surrounding community (58.84%) believe that we are to reliant on the burning of fossil fuels . The respondents from the High School 51.6% indicated the same . Two open-ended questions were given to give the respondents a chance to "VOICE" their opinions on the Sable Island Gas Project and the Greenhouse Effect . A definite pattern emerged as responses were being recorded . The three concerns that were very evident from all the responses were that residnets are very concerned about the environmental impact this project will have on the environment ,the lack of communication surrounding the Project ,economic concerns and the impact this Project will have on enhancing the Greenhouse Effect.
Atmospheric problems are clearly global in nature . We can not afford to cultivate a provincial attitude towards the problems we will be facing down the road on the environment . The atmosphere is a global commons which we are all equally dependent . The continued degradation of the atmosphere by industry has profound implications for life as we know it on this planet .
The World Commission Report on the Environment and Development , Our Common Future clearly states the Problem : The burning of fossil fuels puts into the atmosphere carbon dioxide ,which is causing gradual global warming .
The greenhouse effect may by early next century have increased average global temperatures enough to shift agricultural production areas, raise sea levels to flood coastal cities and disrupt national economies . Other gases threaten to deplete the planet's protective shield to such an extent that the number of human and animal cancers would rise sharply and the oceans' food chain would be disrupted .
Clearly we all have a responsibility to not leave this legacy for our children . The time for sweeping environmental problems under the rug is over , such as with the Sydney Tar Ponds in Nova Scotia , Canada or looking for quick solutions to our garbage problems by way of incineration . An option that Halifax , Nova Scotia nearly chose .
Action must be taken now before we reach the point of no return . Our consumption patterns have to be radically changed along with our lifestyles . Some scientists believe that it is already too late .
While attending the Caretakers of the Environment Conference in Murmansk, Russia on Artic Ecology five years ago , it was the belief of some of the Russian scientists who attended the conference that Global Warming was inevitable and is now occurring . Their philosophy was that we must now start planning for the changes that will occur .
While in this area my students and myself had the opportunity to see , listen and talk to Russian citizens on their experience with the oil and gas industry . The industry had a complete disregard for the environment and the people living in this area . What I saw and heard has haunted me ever since . The devastation left by the oil and gas industry in this area of the world is crimmal .
I was moved when I was presented , before leaving , with a drawing done by a young orphan , which depicted his homeland with discarded pipes along with deforestation and injured reindeer .
Clearly , the companies proposing the Sable Island Gas Project must put their own past records on view for the public to review .
Industry proceeded at a faster rate in the Murmansk Reion disregarding the negative impact it would have on the environment and the people . It appears that even though we are proceeding at a slower pace in our area of the world than Murmansk we are slowly repeating the mistakes that were made in this region of the world . The only difference I see in our region of the world and that of the Murmansk Region is that we are slower at killing ourselves and our environment than the Russians are .
The world's temperature is rising and there is no doubt in my mind that the levels of Carbon Dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels such as natural gas , coal and oil are the culprits to Global Warming .
Are we to ignore the evidence that natural gas is a contributing factor to the enhancement of the Greenhouse Effect by glibly saying that it's better than coal and a lot cleaner .
Atmospheric scientists now agree that a major climate warming greater than any yet experienced by humans is likely to occur . Recent studies suggest that the average surface temperature of the earth may increase by 3.0 C with an enhanced greenhouse effect equivalent to the doubling of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere . Such warming would probably be accompanied by amplified warming in high -latitude regions in both autumn and winter , by drier summers in mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere , by increased moisture availability in polar regions , and by a possible mean global rise in sea level of about 1 M.
According to the State of the Environment Report put out by the Department in 1990 the evidence is clear ! Human activities are changing the planetary atmosphere . This report goes on to state that the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere has increased 10 % since 1958 and is increasing at a rate of 0.4 % per year . This represents an increase of about 25 % in Carbon Dioxide concentration since preindustrial periods .
Climatologists have indicated that what we can expect if we ignore the signs to Global Warming and continue down this road of no return is the melting of the polar ice caps ,drowned coastal cities and vast migrations as new climatic patterns bring with it drought and heat that will make some parts of our planet uninhabitable .
In a report put out by the Department of the Environment called the Minister's Task Force on Clean Air dated November 1992 , it states that Greenhouse gases primarily include Carbon Dioxide ,chlorofluorocarbons ,and methane . Emitted in increasing volumes by human activity , they augment the natural Greenhouse Effect of the earth's atmosphere by radiating the earth's heat back to the surface . The report goes on to say that the goal of the Nova Scotia Action Strategy on Global Warming is to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000 . It goes on to say that there is an "URGENT" need to identify how this goal will be met and to develop specific initiatives for the implementation of the action strategy . It stated that the achievement of the stabilization goal was inextricably linked to energy efficiency and conservation .
Stopping the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is an imperative goal . Scientists currently estimate that a reduction of more than 50 % will be required to STOP the Global Warming trend . If the concentrations of the Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase , they will intensify this natural greenhouse effect . This will cause what is termed as an enhanced greenhouse effect .
Scientists agree that if humans continue to add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels such as "NATURAL GAS" and clearing the forests , the greenhouse effect will be enhanced . This will cause global temperatures to rise at an unprecedented rate .
According to the fact sheet put out by Environment Canada called Atmospheric Environment Service over the next 50 years , this process is expected to increase average world temperatures between 1.5 and 4.5 C . Such a major warming will have a profound global impact . It goes on to say that Canada being a country of climatic extremes would be among the most significantly affected areas in the world .
The environment is our only life support system . As we approach the 21st century , however , there are indications that we are severing this lifeline . -Energy consumption has increased worldwide . - Global temperature have been on the rise .
In Canada energy demands have also been on the rise . Along with these increases in energy demands there have been increases in Carbon Dioxide levels . The above was taken right out of a report called the Minister's Task Force on Clean Air . The threat to this lifeline in our Province is evident especially with the approval of the Sable Island Gas Project .
If we continue down this road according to the Department of the Environment in their report called " The State of the Environment " rising sea level will increase the frequency and severity of flooding in many coastal communities . The flooding risk will be greatest during storm surges when maximum high tides are amplfied by severe storms .
Next : So what just are the alternatives to Natural Gas and why hasn't our National Energy Board done their homework ?
In order to stabilize the emissions at 1990 levels by 2000 and making further reductions in subsequent years politicians are going to have to make some decisions which will be unpopular economically to some economic sectors and regions .
Invest in Solar Power . -
Invest in Wind Power . -
Invest in Geo-Thermal energy . -
Utilize our oceans energy along with developing "small" hydro projects with little environmental impact .
Development of new forest within Canada to enhance natural carbon sinks to remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere . -
Place a moratorium on clearcutting -
Increase the number of Protected areas within Nova Scotia and Canada -
Place a moratorium on all incineration in Nova Scotia and canada -
Develop a Carbon Dioxide emission tax for industry _
Invest in researching into finding sustainable clean energy for future generations .
In March 1990 Canada's environment ministers agreed to devise a National Strategy to deal with Global Warming . The three principles that were released were:
(1.) Limit Greenhose gas emissions from all sources .
(2.) Help Canadians anticipate and prepare for the potential effects of any warming that might occur .
(3.) Improve our scientific abilities to understand and predict climate change .
The 23 billion tonnes of carbon Dioxide that we pour into the atmosphere each year through the burning of fossil fuels such as Natural Gas are produced by governments that can be lobbied by the oil and gas industry and by the 5 billion people that occupy this planet . Canadians contribute more than most ! It is time that we begin to turn the tide > it is time that our Energy Board in Canada take a new direction and not of the one dictated by the oil and gas industry , but towards a cleaner energy for tomorrow generations .